Contact Us |
Bridge Builders Counseling
311 Judges Road
Building 1, Unit E
Wilmington, NC 28405
Phone: |
(910) 792-9888 |
Fax: |
(910) 792-9883 |
Hours of Operation:
Monday 8-5
Tuesday 8-8
Wednesday 8-5
Thursday 8-8
Friday 8-3
Late evening and Saturday appointments by request.
We are hiring! Give us a call or fax your resume to (910) 792-9883.
Critical Incident Response
Bruce Garris, MEd, LPCS is trained in Critical Incident Response (CIR) and works with agencies and Employee Assistance Programs (EAP's) in times of crises.
For more information, please visit The R3 Continuum: Ready, Respond, Recover.
Please contact Bridge Builders Counseling today with any questions about our Critical Incident Response Service or to schedule an appointment: 910-792-9888 |