Christian Counseling
Christian Counseling is an approach to finding solutions for people who believe it is important to include spiritual and religious beliefs in treatment. When we use these treatment tools, we do so because the client has indicated the desire to include them into their treatment - we do not automatically assume everyone does.
We realize faith can be an important element in long-term success of therapy but for others it may hinder progress - that is why we defer to our clients whether or not to explore Christianity as a resource for improving their quality of life.
Our therapists respect everyone's right to have included or not included anything that would benefit a client. For some that means including Christian teachings and beliefs and for others it may not be appropriate.
What is Christian or Pastoral Therapy?
Pastoral Therapy sometimes takes the form of exploring biblical passages that a client finds very comforting and at other times it may mean exploring passages that they find very confusing and troubling. We also may explore the inclusion of church and church activities as a means to connect with other people and for opportunities to minister to others and to have others minister to them.
While we offer Christian Counseling it is important to remember that we also welcome other religious traditions. We are not here to make converts nor are we here to recruit members for any religious entity. You don't have to be religious at all or you could be curious about how religion may change your world view, or somewhere in between.
It is important to us to be able to offer this Pastoral Therapy approach to our clients who desire it for their own well-being, wholeness, and healing.
Please contact Bridge Builders Counseling today with any questions about our Christian Counseling Services or to schedule an appointment: 910-792-9888